Your Youth-Serving Organization needs to know

  • how to help children who have suffered trauma

  • how to work with gifted children (who often present behavior problems out of boredom)

  • principles for making a state-mandated report of abuse or neglect

  • how to create a solid child protection policy

Without this knowledge, you cannot help all the children in your care. In some cases, you can face civil or criminal liability for not having good policies in place.

Our Instructors

We are professionals who have spent decades working in child welfare including -

• schools • camps
• childcare centers • residential programs
• mentoring programs • foster care

Join us in learning how to empower safety and protect futures!

Why you should join us

We understand the challenges you face and offer practical information that you can use immediately. Our courses, many of which are certified for CEU credits, will help you understand and work with children who are outside the usual patterns. Join us and learn practical information that you can use immediately.